Quick Links > Categories > How to Enter > Hashtag Use >Judging Criteria > More About Individual Categories/Criteria
Just like the Seriously Social campaign, the Seriously Social Awards 2024 celebrate the social value & social impact our members make! Showcasing their role in the social economy and the difference they make to individuals, communities, local authorities and the state. Helping people to live healthier, happier lives.
These Award Categories are open to Community Leisure UK Members Only and reflect the themes/categories of the Seriously Social Campaign held earlier this year. But you don’t need to have taken part in the original campaign to enter the awards.
There are 8 awards for which members can apply:
To continue to raise awareness of the work of our members for new politicians and councillors’ part of the submission process includes posting your entries on your social media accounts in the run up to the awards. But don’t worry if you don’t have any social accounts, you can still enter.
Nominations OPEN on Monday 19 August and CLOSE Friday 20 September.
Entering these awards is super simple! Here’s a step-by-step guide.
Please use the following hashtags when posting your submissions for each theme.
#SeriouslySocial #Health
#SeriouslySocial #Community
#SeriouslySocial #Inclusion
#SeriouslySocial #Skills (#Volunteering or #Staff for spotlight awards)
#SeriouslySocial #Environment
#SeriouslySocial #PeopleAboveProfit
Each entry will be judged by an independent panel made up of guests from partner organisations. These include The Carbon Literacy Project, Campaign for the Arts, Sport Wales, Richmond Group of Charities, Napier University, Social Business International, CoSLA, CIMSPA and the Chairman of Community Leisure UK, Phil Rumbelow.
Each entry will be judged against the following four key criteria. They are:
Quick Links – Health & Wellbeing > Community > Inclusion > Employment & Skills > Employee > Volunteer > Environment > People Above Profit
Tackling health inequalities, reducing the financial burden on the NHS through preventative and rehabilitation services, improving whole community health and taking a person-centred approach to health is the core of what Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises delivering public leisure and culture do.
Ideas for an entry submission could include about a programme that has proven to tackle health inequalities/ the financial burden on the NHS/improved whole community health or been developed with a person-centred approach
The winner of the Seriously Social About Health and Wellbeing Award will have demonstrated:
Involving and empowering communities and working with partner organisations is at the front of our members’ thinking.
Ideas for an entry submission could be around where you have enjoyed great success on a programme when developed working with health professionals/community groups/local businesses, other charitable groups or your local authrority partner.
The winner of the Seriously Social About the Community Award will have demonstrated:
Valuing people’s differences and ensuring everyone is treated equally and supported in their community is part of the DNA of our members.
Ideas for an entry submission could be where you have developed or expanded a current programme for people facing barriers to participation including due to poverty, disability, ethnicity, geography or poorer health outcomes
The winner of the Seriously Social About Inclusion Award will have demonstrated:
Employment and skills are a key determinant of the health of individuals and communities. Meaningful employment, being part of a company committed to doing good, and enhanced economic stability, plays a huge part in the health and wellbeing of communities and individuals.
Ideas for an entry submission could be about your pathways into employment and the benefits this has brought. Or identifying an employee or volunteer who has excelled from the training/support received.
The winner of the Seriously Social About Employment and Skills will have demonstrated:
People are the backbone of our members’ activities and services, and the passion and enthusiasm of the workforce is worth celebrating.
The winner of the Spotlight Award for Outstanding Employee will have demonstrated:
Many of our members support a wide range of volunteers, bringing in their energy, insight and expertise to provide oversight of the running of the organisation at Board level, as well as offering purposeful volunteering opportunities across a range of programmes and services.
The winner of the Spotlight Award for Outstanding Volunteer will have demonstrated:
Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises play an important role in contributing to local climate change targets because they are driven by social justice with the public as their stakeholder.
Ideas for an entry submission could be about where you have developed and implemented an Environmental Strategy/Plan and explain the positive difference this has made to your organisation’s carbon emissions.
The winner of the Seriously Social About the Environment Award will have demonstrated:
Send us your best-case study (and post on social media if you have an account) about the one person whose life has been truly transformed with your support! To win this award, we’re looking for that jaw-dropping, tear-jerking human-interest story that shows how our members put people above profit.
The winner of the Putting People Above Profit Award will have demonstrated.
7-14 Great Dover St
London SE1 4YR
Tel: 020 7250 8263
The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
Edinburgh. EH8 8DL
Tel: 07825 599499
Community Leisure UK. Registered Office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration No: 05932294