EDI Workshop: Concession Policies and Programmes

Delivered by Community Leisure UK, Sport Wales and Creu Cymru

As most members offer concession memberships and programmes, this discussion will
focus on the suitability of concession schemes and whether they are successful in
engaging those who would benefit the most, breaking down barriers to participation.
We will hear from members on their experience offering concession rates and
programmes and whether they have been effective in increasing participation at their
local centres and venues.
We will then hear from colleagues at Sport Wales who are doing an evaluation of the
national free-swimming programme in Wales; looking at whether the intended
audiences have been reached and participation in swimming has improved.
Finally, we will hear from Creu Cymru who manage Hynt, the national access scheme in
Wales which works with theatres and arts centres in Wales to make sure there is a
consistent offer available for visitors with an impairment or specific access requirement,
and their Carers or Personal Assistants.

These online workshops are for CLUK members and invited partners only. To book please contact [email protected]

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