POOLS across the UK are being urged to celebrate their love of swimming this February with the first-ever Big Swim Day.
Big Swim Day is an opportunity for everybody to demonstrate their passion for a plunge at their local community pool. Why? Because they’re under threat like never before due to rising Energy Prices and a lack of financial support from the Government.
Organised by Community Leisure UK and backed by Swim England, Swim Wales, and Scottish Swimming, Big Swim day will be held on Friday 24 February.
Communities are being encouraged to attend their local pool on the day and share their stories about why they love their pool using the hashtags #BigSwimDay #SaveOurPools.
Pools taking part are also being asked to invite their local MP along for the day to explain the challenges the sector is facing.
Phil Rumbelow, Chair of Community Leisure UK, who represents Charitable Trusts across the UK, said: “The recent Government decision to massively scale back financial support for pools to cover their energy costs have placed many of them at risk of closure, as costs have spiralled out of control. Swimming pools are particularly dependent on energy use, both in maintaining the ambient temperature in the facility and in heating the pool water to the right temperature for leisure use.
“The rise in energy costs has come on top of financial challenges arising out of closure during the period of the COVID pandemic, as well as continuing public expenditure constraints over many years.”
Kirsty Cumming, CEO of Community Leisure UK, added: “Big Swim Day is the ideal opportunity for local people to show support for local community pools, facing unprecedented financial challenges, and while doing so to have a great time and build mental health and physical wellbeing.
“We’re encouraging everybody to take part, even if your pool isn’t under threat; this is a great way to show support for other pools that are and make as much noise as possible about why we love swimming in the UK.”
The message is simple!
Have a swim, take your friends and family, and share your support for the day on social media using #bigswimday and #saveourpools.”
Find out more at saveourpools.org or https://communityleisureuk.org/big-swim-day/
7-14 Great Dover St
London SE1 4YR
Tel: 020 7250 8263
The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
Edinburgh. EH8 8DL
Tel: 07825 599499
Community Leisure UK. Registered Office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration No: 05932294