Community Leisure UK has teamed up with the Workers Education Association (WEA) to deliver a series of Carbon Literacy Training for those working in Public Leisure and Culture.
Working in public leisure and culture is a unique environment and that means a unique approach is needed to supporting Net Zero.
Community Leisure UK (CLUK) has designed a new Carbon Literacy course, building on their expertise of supporting charities and social enterprises working across public leisure and culture in England, Scotland and Wales. Partnership with the Workers Education Association (WEA) means that this new training is open to anyone working in the charitable public leisure and culture sector, in line with their organisational strategy of Learning that Builds Communities.
CLUK will deliver sessions directly to its members, while WEA will provide sector-wide training sessions as part of this new partnership. Both organisations will use the new Carbon Literacy for Charities and Social Enterprises developed by CLUK and fully accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project.
Jennifer Huygen, Head of Policy and Strategic Partnership at Community Leisure UK said: “Climate change is an urgent priority for Community Leisure UK, and we recognise our responsibility as a membership association to support our members in taking impactful action.
“The launch of this new course builds on the strong engagement that we have had with members on this important topic to date, using experiences and examples from our dedicated Environment & Sustainability member network, and acting on our environmental strategy and Climate Change Action Plan.
“The opportunity to deliver this training in partnership with WEA is exciting and essential to progressing net zero ambitions across the charitable public leisure and culture sector through widened access to training courses.”
This course has further been trialled and tested with the Community Leisure UK membership to ensure it is fit for purpose. The collaboration is in response to demand from the public leisure and culture sector on Carbon Literacy training after a successful Carbon Literacy training pilot by CLUK last year.
Katie Easey, Director of Education: Community Learning for WEA, said: “The WEA is delighted to be partnering with Community Leisure UK. Together we will deliver courses that will tackle the climate crisis and support communities to flourish.
“At the WEA our mission is to bring education within reach and we do this by providing a wide range of courses that deliver against three objectives. These objectives are learning for life; learning for work and skills; and learning that build communities.
“The Carbon Literacy courses that we will deliver with Community Leisure UK will support all three objectives – equipping those taking the courses with the knowledge and skills to support themselves in both their personal and professional lives, but also take that information forward to support their communities to grow.
“We look forward to this partnership and working with organisations across the UK.”
Dates, booking and course information can be found by visiting
The course will further become available to purchase from CLUK as a “Shareable Course” in summer 2024 by anyone working in the charitable public leisure and culture sector. This is in line with the Carbon Literacy Project’s principles of peer-to-peer and local delivery – anyone who is certified Carbon Literate can train their colleagues and create further change in their organisation.
What is Carbon Literacy?
Carbon Literacy is a term used to describe an awareness of climate change, and the climate impacts of humankind’s everyday actions. It is the knowledge and capacity required to create a positive shift in how we live, work and behave in response to climate change. The Carbon Literacy Project is designed to create impact quickly and at scale by encouraging bespoke sector learning through peer-to-peer training.
82 Tanner Street
London SE1 3GN
Tel: 020 7250 8263
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15 Calton Road
Edinburgh. EH8 8DL
Tel: 07825 599499
Community Leisure UK. Registered Office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration No: 05932294