EARLIER this year award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen proudly announced they were the first provider in Scotland to offer a unique aquatic rehabilitation service in partnership with social enterprise ‘Good Boost’, which has developed an NHS digital technology certified app called ‘Aqua Move’ – powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
The sessions were launched in April at two of the charity’s venues – Get active @ Northfield and Tullos Swimming Pool, and – just a few months later – the sessions are proving to be incredibly popular with local residents.
Good Boost sessions support participants with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions such as arthritis, back pain, neurological conditions and people before and after hip and knee replacement surgery to participate in individually-tailored, water-based therapeutic exercises in friendly and supportive group classes.
Each participant is provided with a waterproof tablet-computer installed with Good Boost’s AI technology. The programme creates a tailored and personalised therapeutic aquatic exercise programme for each participant, displayed on the ‘Aqua Move’ app with instructional videos and details to support participants with mobility, balance and fitness.
The Aqua Move app was designed by Good Boost’s musculoskeletal specialists, to ensure that exercises are suitable and appropriate for participants to follow, in addition to adapting and evolving around each participant based on their feedback. This unique model of therapeutic exercise delivery on tablet computers means that group classes can be delivered, but where each participant follows a tailored programme unique to their needs and requirements.
Participant Lauraine McMann shares her positive experience: “At my hydro pool class I already attend at Tullos Swimming Pool, I was encouraged to attend a new class called ‘Good Boost’ by one of the instructors – and I’m so glad I did!”
“I’ve had three full hip replacements (my first at age 45), a full knee replacement and a crushed spinal cord from my neck down – all caused by osteoarthritis amongst other things. I could hardly walk, have had to use crutches for five years to get me around, my balance was very bad, and I had trouble walking up stairs.”
“After I signed up for Good Boost, I was given a tablet and I had to put down all my health conditions and disabilities, then all the exercises you are given are tailored specifically for you. You log-in and get your own exercise regime.”
“I think this is fantastic as you know you are being taught the proper method of each exercise, without pain and discomfort whilst doing so.”
“I’ve been going to Good Boost for about 16 weeks and I can’t believe how far I’ve come on! It has given me a miraculous feeling of self-confidence, my anxiety and stress has gone, I can walk the length and breadth of the pool without the aid of a float or bar to stop me falling.”
“I’ve regained my balance, I feel that my legs are stronger, and I can stretch them now without pain. I still have pain in my back but much less than before.
“Every session in the pool I’ve improved and increased my exercise level, this gives me a sense of pride in myself, bringing up my self-esteem.”
“The instructors are great, they are in the pool to help with any challenges, and they give out the equipment that you need in the 45-minute session such as floats or weights.”
“I personally feel that I am the main driver in my recovery, with the help of Good Boost and my instructor Carol who is a god send! Her sense of humour and outgoing personality means she fits in well with everyone and is encouraging and helpful when needed.”
“I just want to finish off by saying a BIG THANK YOU to Good Boost and Sport Aberdeen for all their hard work and dedication in helping people regain a good quality of life through a regime of regular hydro pool, tailor made exercise classes.”
“I have no hesitation in recommending Good Boost to anyone.”
Another participant Linda Sturton said: “I’m enjoying the Good Boost sessions as they allow me to exercise pain free whilst I’m awaiting knee surgery.”
“They allow me to exercise regularly which I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. I like how you can vary the workouts, use equipment like paddles, woggles etc. and also choose the length of time you want to exercise.”
“The pool is nice and quiet allowing you to concentrate on your exercises, with help available if you require it.”
Participant Helen McBrearty said: “I really enjoy attending Good Boost as it is helps with the osteoarthritis in my knees.”
“The water helps to make exercise less painful and working with the tablet, I can go at my own pace. I have also enjoyed getting to know some of the other participants and the staff at the pool who are very friendly and helpful.”
Ben Wilkins, Good Boost CEO, said: “It’s brilliant to hear the feedback from Good Boost participants at Sport Aberdeen.
“This highlights the benefits people are experiencing as a result of how exceptionally well the Sport Aberdeen team have set-up and implemented Good Boost in their region.
“Our mission as a social enterprise is to support people living with joint pain and health conditions to Move More, Have Fun and Feel Better, and it’s clear that all around Aberdeen, this is being delivered every single week”.
Due to increasing demand, three new morning Good Boost classes will be added at Get active @ Northfield from Monday 30 October at 09:15, 10:15 and 11:15.
These are free to attend for Sport Aberdeen members, or £6 per session for new customers. A one-hour induction must be completed before an individual can attend a session.
Those who wish to find out further information or request an induction, please visit: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/good-boost-health-and-wellbeing
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