In light of the national crisis created by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) and the wider impact this is having on communities, organisations and our economy, we are keen to share with colleagues the position and risks faced by charitable trusts delivering public leisure, sport and culture services. Equally to outline areas where further financial support from Government and devolved administrations, will be vital to public leisure, culture and sport’s short and long-term survival; and finally, to seek your support.
82 Tanner Street
London SE1 3GN
Tel: 020 7250 8263
The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
Edinburgh. EH8 8DL
Tel: 07825 599499
Community Leisure UK. Registered Office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration No: 05932294