We run a number of themed networking groups for our members. These groups are led by and for members, with each group having their own Chair and co-Chair elected from the membership and members being actively involved in setting agendas for meetings.
Most groups meet at least biannually, with others meeting on a quarterly basis. These groups pool knowledge and resources to achieve best practice in their areas of interest, scope landscapes, develop advocacy and more.
Anyone working for one of our Member Trusts is welcome to attend any relevant group. You can find out more about them in our Member’s Area. Please do attend and get involved!
You can learn more about our networks below or sign up if you would like to register your interest.
Sign up to one of our Member Networks today! Open to CLUK members only.
Please use the form below to sign up. If you are unable to view the form this may be due to a content blocker. You can access the sign-up form directly here.
The Finance Special Interest Group reviews best practice around maximising income, cost management, financial resilence and tax management.
The HR Special Interest Group reviews best practice around HR operations, recruitment and employment law.
Our new Libraries & Culture Group meets to discuss the strategic planning of library and cultural services throughout the UK.
The Safeguarding Special Interest Group reviews best practice around customer and staff safeguarding, including legislation, training, and updates.
The Sales & Retention Special Interest Group developed from the Finance SIG to support members expanding and developing on best practice in increasing membership sales and retaining membership.
The Social Value Special Interest Group looks at developing and demonstrating the Social Value generated by member Trusts.
Currently on hold, the Swimming & Aquatics Special Interest Group supports members who operate swim facilities.
As well as Health Champions supporting Regional Directors, Health Learning Sessions are available to all members in England who would like to learn more about embedding and developing health services in their strategies and facilities. There is also a Strategy Group to steer the direction of advocacy and development work.
The Sustainable Buildings Working Group is made up of a number of the Environment & Sustainability Special Interest Group members sharing information and learning about sustainable operation of facilities across the two groups.
The iTrent User Group supports members of the HR Special Interest Group using the MHR iTrent software.
HR Survey
Through the HR Special Interest Group, Community Leisure UK members run an annual HR survey which provides a baseline for HR professionals in the public leisure and culture sector on HR systems, staff benefits, the gender pay gap, and salaries for the most common roles within our sector.
Annual Swimming & Aquatics Conference
Community Leisure UK in collaboration with Swim England and Swim Wales organise an annual Swimming & Aquatics Conference for professionals in the swimming and aquatics sector. The Swimming & Aquatics Conference brings together national partners in the swimming and aquatics sector for the benefit of our members.
82 Tanner Street
London SE1 3GN
Tel: 020 7250 8263
The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
Edinburgh. EH8 8DL
Tel: 07825 599499
Community Leisure UK. Registered Office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration No: 05932294